1Welcome to the Legal Studies Institute of Finance and Tax Law at Osnabrück University!
Founded in 1986 by Prof. Dr. em. Jörg Manfred Mössner and taken over by Prof. Dr. jur. Heike Jochum, Mag. rer. publ. in 2006, the Legal Studies Institute of Finance and Tax Law is renonwed and connected well beyond the borders of Osnabrück and even Germany.
In 2011, Prof. Dr. jur. habil. Steffen Lampert joined the Institute and developed our expertise in international and corporate tax law even further besides our established focuses on manifold areas of domestic and international taxation. Our professors are active members of IFA, the EATLP and EUCOTAX (European Universities COoperating on Taxes) lecturing in international programs e.g. at the WU Vienna. Together with distinguished scholars from the University of Tilburg, the German-Dutch research center on taxation of cross-border issues was founded in 2012. Joint projects with honorable colleagues from inter alia France, the US and China since followed.
Our booklet "Introduction into German Tax Law" meets the needs of international students and gives a comprehensive overview of the German Tax System. In cooperation with the South-West University of Chongqing, this booklet is translated for students in China. In 2018, our International Summer School Tax will start offering an in-depth view on current debates in academia and practice. Our Summer School enables Students to get in close touch with the tax authorities and fiscal courts and to analyze the domestic tax system as well as German treaty policy on the highest level. With the experience of a long-running and innovative LL.M. program for German students, our professors and lectureres as well as the International Office will ensure the best education and experience for international students here in Osnabrück.